1. "Story" — (S)PARTA Organic Beard Oil


Hello, you random and important human of the internet. Here’s another life-story to encourage you to consume.


I was born and raised in Finland with a mix of Greek, Carelian and Swedo-Finnish heritage. After moving to San Francisco, instead of finding eternal bliss, I found an itchy beard. On myself.

Barber shops had the remedy. But it came in tiny bottles and cost $35. And for what? Greasy oil with artificial perfumes and chemicals.

Fuck it.

I knew what to do: Fusing Pure Greek Olive Oil and Natural Finnish Botanicals to create the superior product.

And sell it for 35€.

Seriously though. When you splash the cash you want bang for the buck.

(S)PARTA is it. 

(S)PARTA is good.

(S)PARTA is love for me, you, and your intimate partner(s).

Wishing you eternal enjoyment

Photos from the early days of when a sterile environment wasn’t a concern. Don’t worry, today (S)PARTA is made in a proper cosmetics factory.